Event Information!
  • Published by kristina
  • 9th March

About the Event

LE❗għal torri ta’ 13-il sular fix-Xemxija
✊ Il-Moviment Graffitti qed jappoġġja lir-residenti fil-ġlieda tagħhom kontra żvilupp massiv ieħor li qiegħed jiġi propost fix-Xemxija. Torri ta’ 13-il sular (PA/00865/24) qed jiġi propost biex jinbena fuq art tax-xagħri u qrib ħafna cart ruts protetti. Dan il-proġett mostruż ħa jipperikola wkoll il-banjijiet Rumani li jinsabu taħt iż-żona, fejn qed tiġi proposta triq ġdida biex takkomoda l-ammont kbir ta’ appartamenti li ser joħloq dan il-proġett.
🔴 Ir-residenti tax-Xemxija diġà qegħdin jaffaċċjaw il-bini ta’ ’l fuq minn 700 appartament fuq is-sit ta’ fejn qabel kien hemm il-Mistra Village, ftit metri biss ’il bogħod minn dan it-torri propost ta’ 13-il sular. Jekk dan it-torri jiġi approvat, se jkunu qed jinbnew iktar minn 1000 appartament fl-istess ħin u tul l-istess triq f’din il-lokalità żgħira
📣 B’hekk, nappellaw lill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar biex tirrifjuta din l-applikazzjoni. Żvilupp mostruż ieħor se jkompli jiġġenera iktar storbju, trabijiet, traffiku u joħloq aktar stress lir-residenti.
📣 Nappellaw ukoll lis-Sovrintendenza tal-Patrimonju Kulturali biex tieħu pożizzjoni ċara kontra din il-proposta li se tirriżulta fil-qerda tal-kuntest tal-cart ruts fiż-żona, peress li l-iżvilupp propost jinsab proprju fis-sit fejn jinsabu l-cart ruts, kif ukoll għax ix-xogħol ta’ skavar intensiv ser ikun qiegħed jipperikola l-wirt storiku tal-banjijiet Rumani.
📣 Finalment, qegħdin inħeġġu wkoll lill-Gvern biex jipproteġi l-art li fuqha qiegħed jiġi propost dan it-torri u jiżgura l-aċċess ħieles għaliha, sabiex jiġu preservati l-wirt kulturali u naturali taż-żona għall-ġenerazzjonijiet li ġejjin, u jiġi preservat ukoll l-ispazju miftuħ li diġà hemm.
🟢 Għalhekk, qed nagħmlu appell lir-residenti tax-Xemxija u lill-pubbliku sabiex jingħaqdu magħna f’din il-konferenza stampa (ara l-post: https://shorturl.at/AKT58) fejn ser insemmgħu leħinna u nagħmluha ċara li din il-proposta għandha tiġi rrifjutata kompletament fl-interess tar-residenti u wirt artna.
NO❗to 13-storey tower in Xemxija
✊ Moviment Graffitti is supporting residents as they oppose yet another mega development in the small town of Xemxija. A 13-storey tower (PA/00865/24) is proposed on protected garigue and very close to established cart ruts, with this monster development also endangering the Roman Baths that are found right below the area in question, where a new road is proposed in order to deal with the massive influx of apartments.
🔴 Xemxija residents are already facing the construction of another 700-plus apartments on the site of the former Mistra Village, metres away from the proposed 13-storey tower. If the new tower proposal were to go through, over 1000 apartments would be built at the same time on the same road in this very small town.
📣 Therefore, we urge the Planning Authority to refuse this application as it stands. Another monster development would continue to add copious amounts of noise, dust, traffic, and stress to the residents of the area.
📣 We also urge the Superintendent of Cultural Heritage to take a stand against this application which, if approved, will ruin the context of the cart ruts of the area, as well as posing a danger to the Roman Baths just under this proposed development. The extensive works proposed will put this valuable site at major risk.
📣 Finally, we also urge the Government to protect the land for the common benefit of residents and ensure public access, preserving the cultural and natural heritage for generations to come, and preserving the open space there already is.
🟢 We ask the residents of Xemxija and the general public to join us at this Press Conference (see location: https://shorturl.at/AKT58) to voice our many concerns and to make it clear that this proposal should be refused outright to safeguard the interests of the residents and our cultural heritage.