Event Information!
  • Published by kristina
  • 25th March

About the Event

Kusi Dismark has been in Malta for 13 years. He studied at MCAST, owned and operated a barber shop, and paid his taxes and social security contributions. He is an upstanding, well-loved member of our community.
⬛️ On January 21st, he was detained at his barber shop and has been in detention, facing the threat of deportation ever since. Kusi is one of many victims of this government policy.
🪧 Join members of the migrant community and local organisations this Sunday, 25 February, 3pm at Hamrun Square to march to Parliament in Valletta and demand:
👉🏿 Kusi’s immediate release from detention and the release of individuals who, like Kusi, have been living in Malta for over 5 years and more, and have also been recently detained with a view to deportation.
👉🏿 an end to government raids that detain and threaten to deport long-standing, law-abiding members of our community.
👉🏿 and the re-introduction of a residence permit scheme, similar to the Specific Residence Authorisation, which grants people that have long contributed to the Maltese economy and community some stability and peace in their lives.