Important Information!

ACF Malta in collaboration with our co-hosts ACF Portugal and ACF Greece would like to invite you to a half-day international conference titled, Improving Affordable Housing in the Mediterranean Region: The Social Value of Our Homes.

This conference offers a reflective space where we can rethink how modern housing developments, housing standards and access, changing demographics, and planning policies can be designed to develop adequate and fair affordable housing that includes social value, quality of life and a secure and safe surrounding environment.

Our fantastic line of international and local speakers will be discussing housing policies from a critical perspective and lessons learned over the years through evidence-based examples. Here, we will have the potential to discuss new housing trends and challenges to promote innovative financial incentives that strive toward the improvement of affordable housing in the Mediterranean Region.

The agenda of the conference will combine keynotes and panel debates from local to international experts in the field of policymaking, housing studies and leaders of the sector with a thematic focus on social value, affordability, quality of life, and accessible infrastructure for all.

The half-day conference will be held on the 15th of September 2023 at Aula Magna, Valletta Campus. Kindly see the attached Invitation, and Agenda for more details. You can also find the Registration Form  here. 

Invite small Final

Agenda Affordable Housing Final (1)