NGO/Group Objectives
Create a community of givers to improve philanthropic and corporate responsibility efforts, by providing a platform for individuals and companies to come together, learn, share, be recognise and inspired.
Sustainable Development
Website and social media links
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NGO/Group Objectives
aditus foundation is a non-governmental organisation established in 2011 with a mission to monitor, report and act on access to human rights in Malta. Named for the Latin word for 'access', our work is focused on the attentive analysis of access to human rights recognition and enjoyment. Our work promotes a society where all persons are able to access and enjoy all their fundamental human rights, and access to justice and remedies should be provided in case of violations. Our focus is primarily Malta, but we also work towards highlighting the regional & international dimensions of human rights in Malta.
Human Rights
asylum, migration, LGB TIQ+, rule of law, good governance, sexual and reproductive health, sex workers
Website and social media links aditusNGO aditus.accessingrights aditusfoundation
Brief Description of NGO/Group
A lot of our work is gathered within projects, also since most NGO funding opportunities tend to be project-oriented. However a very large percentage of our work is not contained within a project, but happens in response to current situations or due to advocacy targets that we feel are necessary to achieve. How do we prioritise themes to work on? Every three years our team, in consultation with key partners, assesses the national situation in terms of what’s happening, upcoming challenges and opportunities, existing stakeholder presence, potential for impact, and resource requirements. It is in this discussion that we develop our Strategic Plan covering three years of operations. This exercise also allows us to establish internal goals for our constant improvement in terms of efficiency and transparency. Our mission calls us to monitor, report and act on access to human rights in Malta. These are explained on our site.
Projects Being Run
At any given time we have a list of on-going projects and also several advocacy initiatives or campaigns. All info is available here.
How to Volunteer
Internship info is available here.
We publish vacancies on our webpage and social media pages.
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NGO/Group Objectives
To create a media organisation to bring information to African immigrants in Malta.
Brief Description of NGO/Group
African Media Association Malta is a media NGO that promotes The African Perspective with News, Empowerment and Advocacy
Projects Being Run
How to Volunteer
NGO/Group Objectives
To make the Maltese Islands a highly attractive and dynamic destination for LGBTIQ+ people to visit, work and live in.
Brief Description of NGO/Group
ARC was founded out of a need to create a sense of community. Malta has come a long way with equality reforms and civil liberties, but we believe laws & rights are only one part of the equation. Our main areas of work include: Pride, Communications, Community Engagement and Networking.
Projects Being Run
Malta Pride, EuroPride,, Events all year round
How to Volunteer
Fill in the form:
NGO/Group Objectives
To offer support to amputees.
Human Rights
Brief Description of NGO/Group
A4A is a disabled people's organisation whose committee is made up of people who have lost a limb. The organisation was officially launched in November 2009. The organisation strives to offer support to people who have underwent or are about to undergo an amputation. People can get in touch with us via our website or through our Facebook page.
Projects Being Run
How to Volunteer
Get in touch with us via our website or Facebook page for more information.
NGO/Group Objectives
Ananda Marga Yoga Society is a non-profit organization, established thirty years ago in Malta. AMYS derives its inspiration from Neohumanism, an approach in individual and collective life that extends respect for all life, from human to animals, plants and the environment. Our motto is Self Development and Service to Society and we envision a world where people care for all beings and the environment.
Brief Description of NGO/Group
AMYS also organises regular trainings and courses for students and youth from all backgrounds. Topics differ but are all in line with our principles of personal and collective development and service to society. Being a non-profit organisation, AMYS depends on donations, fund-raising events (like vegetarian dinners, concerts) and cooperation with partners for its activities and operations. Currently, we are also looking into local and EU grants for additional support.
Projects Being Run
This includes regular free classes on meditation and yoga, workshops on ethics and civics, non-formal and informal learning for children and adolescents, (yoga, computer, art, drama, music, sport etc) and training of local and international volunteers, by providing volunteer opportunities to anyone interested in lifelong learning.
How to Volunteer
Apply by email -
Volunteering for projects.
NGO/Group Objectives
APF Malta is a network of 16 organisations working together as a network on poverty. The Forum organises a number of conferences, seminars and focus groups, promotes research, disseminates information and creates awareness on poverty and social exclusion in Malta
Human Rights
Brief Description of NGO/Group
Most APF members are in constant touch with poverty and social exclusion, thus bringing to this platform a wealth of knowledge on poverty in Malta.
Poverty in Malta is prevalent in three major categories of Maltese society - the unemployed, pensioners and single parents. Another category which is on the increase is that of ‘the working poor’. The key focus of APF Malta’s work is to participate and influence the national action plans for inclusion, the National Reform Programme and the participation of persons facing poverty and social exclusion in national policies and plans.
The Organizations that are part of APFMalta are the following:
- OASI Foundation
- Caritas Malta
- Paolo Freire Institute
- Millennium Chapel Foundation
- Fondazzjoni Sebħ
- National Association of Pensioners
- St. Jeanne Antide Foundation
- SOS Malta
- Richmond Foundation
- Dar Merħba Bik
- Alleanza Kontra l-Faqar
- RISE Foundation
- YMCA Malta
- Segretarjat Assistenza Socjali
- The Soup Kitchen OFM Valletta
- Dar Hosea
APF Malta is also affiliated with the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) and is also a member of EAPN’s Executive Committee. The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) is the largest European network of national, regional and local networks, involving anti-poverty NGOs and grassroot groups as well as European Organisations, active in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. EAPN was established in 1990.
EAPN is a network of 31 national networks of voluntary organisations and grassroots groups active in the fight against poverty within the Member States of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Serbia and Macedona, and of 13 European organisations whose main activities are related to the fight against poverty and social exclusion.
Projects Being Run
How to Volunteer
NGO/Group Objectives
BirdLife Malta has been an advocate for the protection of Maltese wildlife for the last 60 years. We engage Maltese people in their natural environment, and ensure a natural legacy is left for the next generation.
Brief Description of NGO/Group
Established in 1962, BirdLife Malta is the oldest environmental NGO in Malta. As a partner organisation of BirdLife International, we form part of a network of 120 NGOs worldwide, and with the aim of creating a united voice, we speak out for local and international wildlife. Our primary objective of conserving birds and habitats is achieved through our work in a variety of fields including research, education and campaigning.
Projects Being Run
We currently run several national and international projects focused on protecting wildlife, conserving the natural habitats, connecting children, young people and adults with nature.
Some of the projects BirdLife Malta is leading are:
• Dinja Waħda is our ongoing environmental education programme run in schools
• Blooming schools is an Erasmus+ project focusing on creating wildlife gardens in schools
• It’s time is another Erasmus+ project aiming at engaging with youth and creating a BirdLife Young Leaders Council
• LIFE PanPuffinus! project aims at improving the conservation status of the Yelkouan Shearwater and the Balearic Shearwater
• Blooming Minds is an ecotherapy programme which helps people living with mental health illness connect them with nature.
How to Volunteer
To volunteer as a team or individual email to enquire about current possibilities.
The best opportunity to support BirdLife Malta is to join as a member.
NGO/Group Objectives
To offer free literacy and English language courses for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
Brief Description of NGO/Group
An English language programme for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers run by a team of passionate volunteers. Every Monday and Thursday classes are held from 4.30 - 6pm and 6 - 7.30pm at the St Andrews International Centre in Valletta.
Blue Door English is a registered Voluntary Organisation VO/2165.
Projects Being Run
Literacy and English language classes.
How to Volunteer
Send us an email on
Volunteering roles include: front desk, registrations, back office, admin, teaching, assistant teaching, childcare assistance.
NGO/Group Objectives
Education, Solidarity, Environment
Brief Description of NGO/Group
The main activity of CSR Malta Association is to actively contribute to the cultural and educational activities of expats - children, youth, and adults living in Malta. We care about Malta and its identity, environment, social issues, and future.
Projects Being Run
Green Roofs, LOVE, Mosaic, Co-Working Area, Close Knit
How to Volunteer
Contact us
We are trying to find a space for anyone who is willing to join our community.