NGO/Group Objectives
Kopin envisions a global and inclusive society, where citizens are equally empowered to contribute to a world that is free of poverty and any other forms of injustice.
Human Rights
Brief Description of NGO/Group
Kopin works for human rights and children’s rights with the aim to empower its beneficiaries as key agents for social change and advancement. It operates in three interconnected fields: international sustainable development cooperation, refugee support and education.
Set up in 2000, it is one of the few professional NGOs working in the human rights field in Malta. It is supervised by a Board of six members, managed by an executive team, has four employees and around 15 volunteers.
Kopin’s team is made up of professionals with diverse backgrounds providing an innovative package of services – Kopin supports marginalised communities where other institutions struggle and provides its services in a sustainable way, is a main provider of Development Education in Malta and one of the few Maltese entities focusing on children’s rights. The organisation is a partner of over 100 institutions in Malta, across Europe and East Africa, ranging from NGOs to ministries, local authorities, universities and international organisations.
Projects Being Run
We update the list of our current projects regularly. Kindly visit our website to get to know more:
How to Volunteer
As a volunteer with us, you will receive training and then be part of a hands-on experience that will very likely change your life besides that of the persons you will help.
If you would like to volunteer with Kopin, kindly send us an email at, including your CV and a cover letter, indicating your areas of interest.
Kopin has been offering internship opportunities to numerous students from the University of Malta as well as from other European and international universities, engaging them in meaningful work experiences that allowed them to apply their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in our fields of engagement.
If you would like to apply for an internship with Kopin, kindly send us an email at, including your CV and a cover letter, indicating your areas of interest and preferred time frame.
NOTE: At the moment we are not accepting internship applications until further notice due to the current situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
More information on:
NGO/Group Objectives
Our aims are to: promote Humanism in Malta; express the Humanist position on issues; act as a forum to exchange ethical ideas; propose legislation; develop the moral basis of secular society; engage with other Humanist organisations; develop ethical educational programmes; collaborate with other Voluntary Organisations with similar objectives; improve the conditions of humanity; organise talks and other events; and engage in activities that support the principles of Humanism.
Human Rights
Brief Description of NGO/Group
Humanism is a democratic, secular and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and does not accept supernatural views of reality.
The Malta Humanist Association (MHA) was founded in 2010, and we now have some 2,000 followers. Alongside other activities associated with our Objectives, we offer ceremonies (weddings, baby-namings, funerals and memorials) for those without religious beliefs.
Projects Being Run
- Who am I? Why am I here? Exploring pupils’ inquiries on existential themes. The project seeks to collaborate with a secondary school on deepening their students’ inquiry of existentialist themes beyond the curriculum. Existential questions are relevant to Year 9 to Year 11 students in particular, who will be starting to grapple with profound existential topics such as the meaning of existence, anxiety, the nature of personal identity, authenticity, the possession of free will, discomfort or fascination with death. The project builds on the valuable existential groundwork laid by the Personal and Social Development programme, as well as the Ethics and English Literature SEC syllabi, in the form of dialogue-based, small-group tutorials where children can explore existential inquiry in a safe but challenging space.
- Sciencivicus : Active citizenship through science education. Sciencivicus is a youth exchange about how to become more powerful citizens and have a healthy civic life with the help of science. The project is focused on developing critical thinking, using science as a tool for protecting human rights, understanding basic science concepts, and fighting pseudo-science. The project is between 5 partners, Romania, Italy, Malta, Poland and Turkey. Six young people and 1 group leader from each country will be taking part in May 2022, in Bucharest.
- Trust oneself to trust others: Erasmus+ Youth KA105 Youth Exchange
This exchange will help young people to seek their identities, emancipate, and learn how to better trust themselves, for a fairer and more humanist world. The project is between 4 partners. The exchange will be in Italy, with 10 participants and 2 group leaders from each organisation.
How to Volunteer
Volunteers and new members are always welcome. Visit our website or Facebook page Malta Humanist Association.
The MHA is run entirely by volunteers. Our work is varied, and we are involved in several activities with which assistance would always be appreciated, including events (currently online) and contributions to national debates on secularism and Freedom of Thought; sexual and reproductive health rights; immigration and non-discrimination; and assisted dying. Particular skills we are looking for include IT/Website administration; public relations; and development of proposals for funding and grants for projects.
NGO/Group Objectives
- To achieve legal equality of LGBTIQ people
- To have policies that refer to, and are inclusive of, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sexual characteristics
- To bring about positive societal attitudes towards and the social inclusion of LGBTIQ people
- To empower the LGBTIQ community to engage in social and political issues that are of direct concern
- Provide support, assistance and information on LGBTIQ issues to LGBTI persons and their families
- To network with other organisations in achieving common goals
- To make MGRM a sustainable organisation
Human Rights
Brief Description of NGO/Group
MGRM was set up in 2001 by a small group of volunteers who were determined to bring about change. They were committed to setting up a helpline and to start raising awareness and combating the stigma faced by the LGBTIQ community. With no premises, no funds and very little expertise they set about making a difference.
Fourteen years later MGRM has established itself as a registered organization with a statute, a clear Mission, core values, and goals. It is an active member of a number of European Networks including ILGA-Europe, Transgender Europe and IGLYO. Membership of these organisations, participation in trainings, conferences, study sessions and network meetings have developed the capacity of the organization to effectively address a range of LGBTIQ issues.
Despite its limited resources it has contributed to putting LGBTIQ equality high on the political agenda leading to significant legal advances. These include the correct transposition of the EU’s Employment Framework Directive ensuring that this important anti-discrimination legislation made specific reference to the ground of sexual orientation and since 2014 the ground of gender identity; the correct transposition of the Freedom of Movement Directive; the inclusion of the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in hate crime legislation; the widening of the NCPE remit, the Civil Union Act, providing equal rights and recognition to marriage including parenting rights and anti-discrimination provisions in the Constitution granting protection on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Awareness raising was a core function of the organization with MGRM enjoying high visibility in the media with numerous TV and radio appearances, countless articles and letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines, talks delivered to various target groups and the publication of booklets addressed to LGBT youth and their parents. MGRM has carried out surveys, published position papers and conducted campaigns. In 2004 MGRM organized the first Pride March, an event which has taken place annually ever since and which is now developing into a joint event involving LGBTIQ NGO’s, the government and private entities.
The National Gay Helpline responded to hundreds of calls over the past ten years and is now part of the much broader Rainbow Support Service, providing a weekly youth drop-in, counselling services, social work intervention, legal advice and training to those who need it. MGRM’s work has ensured that parents are more informed about LGBTIQ issues and more likely to seek support and accept their LGBTIQ children.
MGRM has witnessed the growth of the LGBTIQ movement and has supported the emergence of new LGBTIQ groups such as We Are and Drachma. It forms part of the LGBTIQ Consultative Council set up by the Government in 2013 and is also a founding member of the Platform for Human Rights Organisations in Malta.
Despite Malta’s socio-religious context, the stigma surrounding LGBTIQ issues has been effectively dismantled and it is no longer just LGBTIQ organisations but also individuals who now feel empowered to speak out and to challenge public discourse. Being homophobic, biphobic and transphobic is no longer acceptable.
Projects Being Run
How to Volunteer
Drop us an email on
NGO/Group Objectives
MWAM seeks to work with, empower and facilitate asylum seekers, refugees and migrant women to find their true potential and power to participate and play a positive role in society in the most appropriate manner for them.
Brief Description of NGO/Group
Established on 15 April 2015 and registered with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organizations in May of the same year, Migrant Women Association in Malta (MWAM) is committed to empowering asylum seekers, refugees and migrant women to help enable them to fully integrate within Maltese society. MWAM runs different projects that aim to accompany migrants in the integration process: the association provides basic utilities in case of needs, courses of English, IT literacy and Job Compliance for working in Malta, and it specifically focuses on the contrast of SGBV and migrant women, who face significant difficulties during their integration process.
Projects Being Run
The current project the association is implementing are: - Together to end SGBV, that consisted in training sessions about various topics related to sexual gender-based violence, that culminated in a roundtable discussion event which involved different women from different communities. - SAHHA! Kitchen, which was interrupted due to the pandemic. The project focuses on setting up a community kitchen for the public in order to empower migrant women through their cooking skills. - Getting Online, which will provide asylum seekers’, migrant women and refugees with a series of lessons about IT literacy to make them able to navigate the Maltese job market, to acquire the required IT skills needed today to be suitable candidates and to give migrants the necessary knowledge of the legal proceed to work within the country. - Emergency Project began to be run because of the pandemic. Its main purpose is to provide basic needs and help to migrants affected by the effect of Coronavirus.
How to Volunteer
MWAM has every open position on its official site on the Internet. The association seeks interns and volunteers on a rolling basis to participate in project activities or to help with communication, logistics and administrative duties and clients’ relations.
To look for opportunities within MWAM, check our official website:
NGO/Group Objectives
Spiritual and Social help to others.
Human Rights
Brief Description of NGO/Group
To be an oasis of Peace in the heart of Paceville
To be a place of perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for Christians
To offer care and understanding as well as counselling to people who seek it
Projects Being Run
WOW Food Bank
Holistic Counselling
N.A. and A.A. Support Groups
'The Word' Meditation Garden
LED Screen outside the Millennium Chapel projecting positive messages
How to Volunteer
By phoning 21381172/21354464
To be part of the Community of the Millennium with a passion to help others
NGO/Group Objectives
Promoting Education for Sustainable development, Conserving ecological important sites for future generations and helping local fauna and their habitat conservation
Brief Description of NGO/Group
Nature Trust - FEE Malta was founded in 1962. Today it is working on Education for Sustainable Development in schools and communities, Managing ecological important sites. rescue and rehabilitation of injured local wildlife and rasising awareness on important issues such as climate change
Projects Being Run
The setting of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre funded under ERDF
Cirkewwa marine Park
Fiddien restoration project
Killifish Breeding programme
The freshwater crab research to protect this species and its habitat
Climate Change awareness in schools
Teacher Training on outdoor learning and ESD
How to Volunteer
Write to the NGO on or follow the website:
Conservation work in the manages sites
Tree Nursery
Wildlife Rescue
Clean ups
Turtle nest watching in summer
NGO/Group Objectives
Community Development
Third Sector
Website and social media links
website: MCVS website: website Active Citizens Fund Project SMITE: YouTube NWAMI International Malta Facebook: Facebook Active Citizens Fund Project SMITE: YouTube Active Citizens Fund Project SMITE:
Brief Description of NGO/Group
NWAMI stands for networking for world awareness of multicultural integration and is contributing to the promotion of active citizenship and the development of inclusive communities. Our organization is formed by a group of Maltese and multinational professionals who are committed to:
- work towards a reduction of all forms of discrimination, including overt and covert racism and a reduction of hate crime in society through educating citizens in critical thinking & healthy debate.
- promote cultural values customs within Malta’s rich multicultural fabric through our community engagement activities.
- Foster a spirit of friendship and collaboration between and within societies with different socio-cultural and ethnic contexts and abilities.
Projects Being Run
- ACF02_03 Moving Beyond the Single Story: Combating Social Exclusion through Media Literacy & Critical Thinking - joint project with African Media Association Malta financed by the Iceland-Liechtenstein- Norway Active Citizens Fund operated by SOS Malta
- VOPS26/2022 Together We Strive: Creating a Sustainable Environment Free From Barriers That Divide - A Youth project funded by the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme, administered by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector
- Culture Cafe a self-funded ongoing cultural immersion initiative run by NWAMI International Malta Culture & Community Unit.
How to Volunteer
virtual and personal volunteering is warmly welcome. contact:
social media support officer secretarial and administration support Stakeholder Networking outreach support
NGO/Group Objectives
OASI Foundation is based in Gozo, but offers its services nationally. Founded in 1991, the Foundation was established to:
- enhance social awareness and establish programs and activities to prevent and deter widespread substance use and addiction.
- to engage with persons who are experimenting with substance use or who are at risk of developing an addiction with the aim of assisting them in developing coping skills to stop or slow the onset of addiction.
- to assist those persons and their family members who have become addicted to substances or addictive behaviours, to regain their strength and adopt a new and healthy lifestyle through therapy on a residential or community basis according to the needs of the case.
Addiction Prevention, Therapy and Rehabilitation
Website and social media links
Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Linkedin:
Brief Description of NGO/Group
OASI Foundation is based in Gozo, but offers its services on a national level. The Organisation was founded on the 26th of June 1991. The Foundation is run by a board of directors, who are all volunteers. Currently employs 13 full-time and 15 part-time professionals to be able to deliver its services which include residential and community-based therapy. It also employs a team of professionals to deliver its prevention services. There is a group of over 50 volunteers who assist in the various services as well as fundraising activities.
Projects Being Run
Apart from the services being offered and the several activities that take place during the year, the Foundation engages in different projects ranging from infrastructural to new services and research depending upon the needs and resources.
How to Volunteer
To volunteer, one can looks up on facebook or email us on One can also phone on 21563333 or else follow this link
- Events organizing
- Support during Events
- Sales
- Handling of goods
- Gardening
- Plant care
I agree to the privacy policy.
NGO/Group Objectives
Prisms is a group of experienced youth workers that in 2008 came together with the aim of creating an NGO that caters for the requirements of young people and those working with young people. Prisms provides to the necessities of the people it works with through innovative non-formal methods of education so as to reach their needs in a holistic manner. Prisms focuses on coaching and mentoring, online tools, mental well-being, inclusion and disability through the following objectives:
Young people - Context out: Prisms strives to connect with young people in their environment. Our youth workers reach out to the young people to understand their living situation, at which point they are in their lives and their key relationships with others
- Needs-analysis: At the basis of all of our activities lies a person-centred approach that enables us to connect with a purpose. Prisms listens to the young people and their life experiences and together with the young person they identify the needs to be addressed
- Empower: Prisms believes that every person has potential and through a positive relationship with the young person, it challenges them to set achievable goals for their growth
Youth leaders/workers - Prisms focuses on both the personal and professional development of youth workers. We believe that the general wellbeing of the youth worker is pivotal as they serve as role-models for young people. Developing their intra and inter personal skills enable the youth worker to engage better with the young people they work with. Prisms provides tools to the youth workers to be more self-reflective and identify areas for growth
- Linked with the above, on a professional level, Prisms offers innovative tools and methods on how the youth workers can reach, connect, engage and empower young people
Human Rights
Brief Description of NGO/Group
Prisms has two main target groups;
- Young people aged between 13 and 35 years old
- Youth workers, youth leaders and other professionals that work with young people. There is no particular age range for this target group
Our activities are carried out at a national, European and international level. We work with both young people and youth workers local and foreign. We carry out research, deliver workshops, seminars and training courses. Through the years, Prisms has developed its expertise in online youth work and online tools that provide the opportunity to the youth workers to engage with young people both online and offline.
The successful implementation of our initiatives is also attributable to the fact that Prisms has always sought to create meaningful collaborations and we have thus created national partnerships with the Directorate for Educational Services, San Gorg Preca College and Migrants Learners Unit with the Ministry of Education, ITS, MCAST, the Platform for Human Rights Organisations in Malta, St. Patrick’s School, Karl Vella Foundation, the Commission for the Rights for Persons of Disability, Agenzija Sapport, Agenzija Zghazagh and Fondazzjoni Sebh. On a European level, Prisms is part of international networks such as Mais Cidadinia, PRISMA Network, Anna Lindh Foundation and the International Experiential Learning Network.
Projects Being Run
The following are projects were are running as applicant organisation and lead partner:
- Different Drum: Professional youth workers are focusing are mentoring young people in and out of school
- Autism Friendly Spaces: Strengthening competences of educators and youth workers in the knowledge, attitudes and better inclusion strategies for students/young people with autism and provide better accessibility to public and private spaces, through a Certification System enabling the application for 'Autism Friendly Spaces' and a nationwide awareness campaign.
- Il-Kenur: Providing young people living in residential homes or coming from disadvantaged backgrounds with independent skills including cooking, intra and interpersonal skills through outdoor activities.
- Explore More: focused on the development of a one stop shop interactive website for career choices targeting all secondary students aged between 11-15:
- Connect: This youth group is targeted towards young people with disability. Professional youth workers together with the young people plan social activities.
In the following projects, Prisms are a participating organisation:
- Mosaic: Migration is a pivotal issues in many countries including Malta. At the same time, education can provide opportunities to these challenges. For this to happen educators need to be equipped with innovative tools through which they can reach the learners beyond language. Through the Mosaic platform;, educators have access to online modules, a toolbox as well as wellbeing activities. The platform includes also a section for parents containing information about the education system in the host country as well as support services and informative videos. This information has been translated in the languages mostly spoken by refugees and migrants in this host country.
- Project Reconnect: This project has three main targets; 1. making better use of digital technology for teaching and learning, 2. developing relevant digital competencies and skills for the digital transformation and 3. increasing students' media literacy.
- Positive Mindset: The project focuses on the prevention or mitigation of the occurrence of violent/aggressive speech and bullying on the internet with the education and promotion of a positive mindset. We will provide our youth workers, leaders and young adults with the methods, tools, and guidance necessary to achieve our objective
- Dialogue for the Future: Aims to foster social inclusion of young people by developing their skills of the future and promoting intergenerational dialogue skills to help them feel confident in a changing world and find common ground with peers, family, different representatives of their community, other countries and cultures, as well as build cooperation for positive social influence in the context of the COVID-19 challenges.
How to Volunteer
Interested volunteers can get in touch with us either through Facebook: Prisms Malta, by email or through our website:
- Hands-on activities with young people
- Getting involved in project writing and management
- Enhancing skills and knowledge by attending training courses locally and abroad
NGO/Group Objectives
The aim of Proutist Universal Malta is to facilitate educational, cultural, and philanthropic activities, which ensure the basic needs of people for their welfare and happiness are met.
Brief Description of NGO/Group
Proutist Universal Malta is a social service, non-governmental organization based on the principles of Prout (Progressive Utilization Theory) for the welfare and happiness of all.
The aims of Proutist Universal Malta are to develop educational, cultural, and philanthropic activities to ensure the basic needs of people. It raises public awareness to work for the development of one universal society and welfare of all human beings. PU Malta promotes a world where everyone will be provided the basic necessities of life, everyone is able to fully develop their inherent capacities, and the resources of our planet are maximally utilized and distributed in a rational way. It raises public awareness on economic self-sufficiency, ethical values, local language and culture.
Projects Being Run
Training courses, Erasmus+ Youth Exchange, homeless feeding, clean up, Animal care, Health and wellbeing, Sustainable development.
How to Volunteer
Fill up the application on the website:
We have Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in different countries in Europe. We have opportunities for young people for Erasmus+ Youth Exchange and Key Action 2.